Bobby retired from the Office of Head Start after serving as a Grants Management Officer and interim Program Manager for Region IV, DHHS. During 40 year career with the Office of Head Start, he was responsible for review and approval of Grantee applications, including short and long term strategic plans, Change of Scope Amendments, budget and budget revisions for funding. Bobby consults with Grantees in developing 5 Year Grant Applications, Governance and Fiscal Training, and support in preparing for Monitoring Reviews.
WORK EXPERIENCE- Private Management Consultant October 2011 – Present
- Develop and Implement Head Start Fiscal and Management Training Plans that teach agency staff
- how to address and resolve Management, Fiscal and programmatic issues
- Develop and conduct Head Start Fiscal Training on Statutory, regulatory, and Financial Management
- policy issues
- Develop and conduct “how to training” on implementing the Head Start Five Year Plan
- Develop with agency staff short-range and long-range strategies to effectively implement the Head
- Start School Readiness Act (The Head Start Re-authorization)
- Assist Head Start agencies with the development of annual strategies for ensuring that Staff
- Performance Plans and indicators support the Office of Head Start Central Office’s and the Region IV
- OHS annual work plans (goals and objectives)
- Assist Head Start grantees with their efforts to Collects, analyze baseline data for Head Start grantees
- with their efforts to compile reports for submission to the National Office of Head Start that reflect
- the Regional’s Office ability to meet performance indicators that measure the degree of compliance
- with National Office requirements
- Direct and/or coordinates staff work activities designed to implement National Office priorities and
- recommends strategies and approaches that will improve agency’s performance
- Develop grantee Financial Procedures Manual, and Agency and Policy Council By-laws and Assist
- grantees with the development of Special Funding Grants from the Office of Head Start
- Assist Head Start grantees with the conduct of the Annual Head Start Self-Assessment
- Assist Head Start Grantees correct Non-Compliances and Deficiencies that emanate from Head Start
- Federal Reviews
- Provide technical assistance to Head Start Grantees that need assistance in interpreting Federal
- Policies and Procedures on financial and programmatic Issues
- Review and revise Head Start procedures on finance, procurement, and administration
- Revise and/or develop interagency contractual agreements for Head Start Contractors and Partners
- 2010 Alabama Head Start Association Executive Leadership Retreat
- Region IV Leadership Institute, Annual Training Conference, February 2001 –
- Region IV Standards of Excellence Conference, February 2003-2010
- Understanding and Allocating Funds from Multiple Sources, June 2009
Doctorate – Major: Child, Youth, and Family Study,
Minor: Administrative Leadership and Organization,
NOVA Southeastern University,
Fort Lauderdale, FL. June 2014
Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications: Research and Methods, Organization
Leadership, Advance Organization and Leadership, Computer Technology, Advance Computer
Technology, Infant, Toddler and Development, and Organizational Theory
Master’s Degree – Major: Executive Business Administration,
Minor: Administration, Georgia
State University,
Atlanta, Georgia, -June 1984.
Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications: Earned two Master Degrees (Public Administration and Business Administration), Accounting, Finance, Micro and Macro Economics)
- Georgia Head Start Board of Directors- January 2012 to Present
- Wade Walker YMCA Volunteer Board
- Georgia Head Start Association (Effective October 2015)